Something in the Air.

So I have been hearing rumours about her. Some say she is as blind as a bat, others say as mad as a hatter.
I am on a quest to verify the authenticity of it all.

Is she a myth? Is she real?

I have seen those in love. How they would die for each other one minute and seemingly be hell-bent on killing each other the next.
Be willing to sacrifice all for one another today but traverse seas just to get away from each other tomorrow.

I wish for Cupid to strike me with one of his ethereal arrows,
So I can have but a sip from loves' bitter sweet fountain,
To just but feel that all consuming fire course through my veins,
For this heart to beat furiously as an incensed horses hooves when I see a lovely miss,

I don't know who love is, or whence she comes from,
I have not had the opportunity of meeting her, exchanging digits,
Is she good, the goddess mankind portrays her?
Does she soothe you, does she heal maladies?

Is it mind controlling?
Is it edible, the sweetest of fruits?
Is it an intricate labyrinth I can get lost in?
Is it something I can learn, be its master?

I want to see loves beauty for myself,
Like a madness I want it to invade my mind and senses,
Unflinchingly swallow me whole body and soul,
I want to feel it in and all around me,

I want to know its essence, its worth for I am sick of wondering what love is.


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