Her Religion?

She was not an overtly religious being, not in the sense of the word anyway.
She was the first to shy away from praying at social gatherings, be it at home or school.
She hardly ever read the Bible, if at all....

Thats not to say she was an atheist, far from it! Of course she beleived in God, Christ,...,the Devil, Angels and Demons...? I mean who wouldn't? With all these street preachers threatening eternal damnation to all who cared to listen, praising the Lord and reading a verse or two while at it. She was ready to see the entire service being conducted on some random Nairobi street soon, complete with the taking of offering of course. That seemed to be the goal of these flocks being gathered anyway.

They had taken over telly too! The entire weekend would see a new religious show or two on the numerous stations, but she couldn't complain, didn't complain, simply because the tv didn't hold that much allure as it used to when she was a kid. She guessed it came with age.

She went to church every so often. Just to remind God she was indeed alive and kicking. Not that she expected him to forget but, with a planet of roughly half a dozen billion people, she just couldn't take her chances, wouldn't take her chances :)

But church was never the same anymore. Sure, the Father was there and all, and yes the congregation gathered as usual and the church, old as it was, did stand mighty as ever. Luckily, the taliban (or was it Al-Qaeda?) hadn't decided bombing Churches was an amusing enough hobby, yet.
It seemed her church got too demanding for her. Yes, God deserved all that and more but surely what the church advocated for was more than what was usually expected or thought due from a firm beleiver, wasn't it?

The fact that hell was at the tip of everyone's tongue whenever she did something considered socially awkward, which oddly happened quite often lately, was just disconcerting. Their holier than thou attitude just increased her 'loathe' for attending church.
I mean, she did see that busty woman coming out of her neighbours house just the other day. Said neighbour being a pastor in one of the local churches. Surely even shepherds don't shower that much affection on their flock! After all, that hug did linger for more than would be deemed comfortable or appropriate a time, and it was just before sunrise... She was sure he'd teach an inane thing about chastity, infidelity, adultery....come Sunday, he must've been taking notes, sigh!
She wasn't going to spend her thoughts trying to judge the man...

And what was with all this judging? Courts seemed to be abandoned in that regard. Everyone in church seemed to have a degree in litigation. From what one wore to church, the car they drove...blah, blah...you get the picture.
Albeit wrong, it was all mildly amusing. Her church would give fashion week a run for their money any given Sunday. Not that wearing your best was paticularly bad, but that you'd make others feel and actually be inferior while at it! Now that was crossing the line, wasn't it? To make it worse, the congregation divided itself into different cliques although the whole idea of church was to find a common ground and one-ness in worshipping God, but now all that had been discarded.

And it went way beyond that. Seemed the holier you were, 'closer' you were to God. The only problem with this was people kinda got carried away and started doing good just to impress each other and not God. They used their ill-conceived standards to judge each other's deeds instead of letting God decide, but oh well....! Who was she to judge others from their actions?

She used to think, no knew, that what counted was why one did what they did; for love or out of hate? To hurt, impress, deceive? To protect maybe? As long as nobody got hurt by her actions, she was sure God would agree with what she did, her deeds spoke for her you could say.
So what her mum said about her going to hell was just that, mere words. It was not like anyone was getting hurt and anyway, why she didn't go to church was her business and God's to deal with. Surely her not going couldn't be reason enough to write history yet....

She really had to find another church...knew there was a better church, one that deserved the name...


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