Happy Birthday

I usually do poetry on my blog but today I dedicate this post to a dear friend, cousin and my best man, Andrew Nick Obara, not related to the Obama's.
His birthday was yesterday 16.11.10. And anyways, today I feel like writing :)
or as other's say, I have the itch to write.
It was 21 years and one day ago...The day he was born, a gift unto this world. A son, a brother, cousin, a dear friend, a student...one of God's greatest creations (I know we are all equal in his eyes **, )
The whole charade leading to his surprise mini-birthday bash yesterday was a work of genius, bday boy was totally clueless, which is the general idea.
He didn have any plans for the day, just go to tao, pick Lily (his car is called Lily...but thats a story for another day) and we head to Parklands U.O.N Law campus for our lunch, Windmill Restaurant makes some mean fries and Andy loves them...
I was to make sure he was on location at 1300hrs. We were to hook up with the Catholic Uni crew, his classmates, at Nakumatt Crossroads for the cake session but the story was that I was picking up a suit from my drycleaners, a travesty which he didn't see through.
We chucked from his gals at a few to 1300hrs and headed to Karen. I called my 'drycleaner' and he gave directions to the cake place.
Andy was surprised to say the least, Jeff showed up, I still think he's in Catho but he swears it's USIU. Lina, Khoyo and Fatty (she's not fat, comes from Fatma) also came. My partner in crime, should say 'Liar in crime' was also on location. Kaze helped in organising and making sure everyone was at crossroads.
The place is called Cakes, opposite Enka Rasha in the mall, its not that hard to find.
They have good service and their cakes are worth that letter home, Im still craving for more :) We all had a good time.
We got Lily, she'd been taken for minor surgery at the mechanics, and as a Gift from Baba Dru, the car insurance sticker was in the glove compartment.
I repented for the white lie(s) but Im sure God would've forgiven me as it was for a worthy cause, my wingman's birthday **,
Have a lovely week y'all.
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